Today we are going to talk about guacamole, a simply delicious, creamy snack that takes just minutes to prepare. It all starts with tender, ripe avacados.
When shopping for avocados, look for dark green skin and then give them a little squeeze. They should feel soft, but not squishy. If they are firm at the market, don't give up. Take them home and let them ripen for a couple of days. When ready, slice them in half, remove the pit and mash 'em up!
My family and I like it chunky but if you don't, keep mashing till your heart's content.
Dice up a couple tablespoons of a sweet yellow onion.
Stir in the onion, juice of two limes and 1/2 a teaspoon of salt.
It took everything in me not to dive right in before this picture! You will totally understand once you make it for yourself. Enjoy!
Fresh Guacamole:
2 ripe avocados
2 limes
2 tablespoons onion
1/2 teaspoon salt
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