Happy St. Patrick's Day Shamrock Cookies

Rainbow Fluffy-Wiches
 Dream Whip strikes again.  After using it to create a super fluffy soufflĂ©', Sullivan and I decided to give it another go.  This weeks video is from General Foods recipe book, Sweet Endings.  Dream Whip is the star in every recipe and is beautifully displayed in these colorful Rainbow Fluffy-Wiches. 

 The recipe is super simple!  Just whip up your Dream Whip according to the directions on the side of the box (1 package whip powder, 1 cup cold milk, and 1 teaspoon vanilla, whip on high for 4 minutes) DONE! You can leave it plain or divid it up, flavor with extracts and color with food coloring. To give myself a little more of a "challenge", Sullivan and I made our own Oreo chocolate wafer cookie dough from the recipe book, Flour.

I recommend you purchase this book!  The Oreo cookies are delicious and there are many more recipes that you will be supper happy you tried. 

  I hope you enjoyed this video and give the recipe a try! It can all be done in lees than 10 minutes if you just buy pre-made chocolate wafer cookies.  So easy! 

We release a new video every Sunday at 9 am so please tune in next week! We would love your support by subscribing and letting us know what you would like us to make next <3

Morgan & Sullivan


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