Peach Betty Thrifts


It had been a while since we've thrifted together, so we decided we needed to go. We went to check out a new spot that we haven't shopped at yet and found a lot of great pieces. At first we were a little discouraged because it didn't seem like we could find anything we liked. Then we checked out the blouses and found so many wonderful items. 


Here are just a few pieces we thought were really special that we wanted to share. Once we open our shop online you can see the rest.

How cute is this little cookie charm Morgan made?!   This is how we jazzed up a push-pin.

There were some items that we especially loved and just had to wear them ourselves.

Morgan adores this blouse

Monica loved this Chiffon cream blouse

We had a lot of fun, maybe what we found will inspire you to go out and try thrifting too! 

Morgan & Monica 


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