Hi everyone! Baking is something we are both very passionate about and thoroughly enjoy doing. Our plans for Peach Betty are to make her not only a vintage clothing shop but also a bake shoppe one day. But until we can take Peach Betty into a physical location, we will be baking for our enjoyment and also to share with you.
Cream Puffs (Pate a Choux)
If you have a desire for sweet, melt in you mouth, fluffy clouds from heaven then these babies are for you! They are light, airy and simply delicious. It is nearly impossible to just eat one. They are not only delightful, but are super easy to make.
How to:
When cooking pate a choux you want to start by bringing your butter, water, and sugar to a boil. At the first sight of a bubble stir in the flour. Keep stirring until the dough pulls away from the sides of the pan to form a ball. It will look like mashed potatoes. Dump the ball of dough into a mixer equipped with a paddle (handheld would work as well). Mix on high to cool it down. Once you can comfortably touch the sides of the mixing bowl with your hand pour the eggs in one at a time, allowing them to incorporate fully until adding the next.
Now comes the fun part. Piping!! Don't worry if you don't have a fancy piping bag or tips, just cut the corner off a Ziploc bag and go for it. You can make them any shape you want. Make lines, balls, we had the idea to try and make a heart, just be creative.
Once they are out of the oven, cool them completely. Poke a small hole in the bottom or side of each puff and fill with cream. We were very generous with the cream and filled them until they squirted out the sides. :)
You can top them with chocolate, sprinkles, or icing. We chose to drizzle them with icing.
We had some leftover cream so we decided that there was only one thing to do, make hot chocolate.
We highly recommend you do the same. ;)
Morgan & Monica
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